Archive for the ‘general topics’ Category

The Almighty Doctor

Posted by Dental News Team On November - 9 - 2009

Today we would like to discuss a recent case which should cause to think twice about believing in the infallibility of doctors.

blut_urinA good friend of our Dental News Team discovered blood in his urine. After the problem persisted for a few days, he did the right thing and went to a hospital for help.

He was told that it was probably just an inflammation of the bladder. As a lay person you are probably unaware of the fact that blood in your urine – known as a “macro-haematuria” – must always be followed by a thorough check-up, since it may be caused by a malignant tumor which has spread to the urinary tract.

You may actually be lucky if this happens, since it acts as an early warning sign of a tumor.

At the hospital our friend was simply told that if the bleeding didn’t stop, he should come in for a CT in three month’s time. But we found out about this by chance, and realizing the danger, took immediate steps and got a CT done.

Now are friend, who is also a husband and father is going to have his right kidney removed in a couple of weeks, since the CT showed a malignant tumor. Had he waited those three months, then the tumor may have ruptured the capsule of the kidney and metastasized, at least now he has a good chance of recovering!

Don’t get us wrong, we have nothing against doctors, in fact we ourselves are doctors. We just want to open your eyes to the fact that some of our colleagues treat their work as just another “job”, but that’s not what working with people is about!

Always get as much information as possible about your illnesses, so that you are clear on them, don’t let yourself be put off by vague explanations!

Every symptom needs to be examined, take good care of your health, and don’t rely on anybody else to do it!

Dear Franz, we wish you a speedy recovery and you and your family all the best!

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Amalgamate and amalgamate drainage

Posted by Dental News Team On November - 2 - 2009

Although we are against amalgamates, we also have a problem with „amalgamate drainage“!


We would like to start off by explaining just why we are against amalgamate: it is

o) unaesthetic

o) it puts an additional strain on the dentist and other personnel during application and drilling

o) it changes over time and makes renewed drilling necessary, even with the best dental care

Reason enough to reject amalgamate!

Let us now turn to amalgamate drainage. First we must discuss mercury contamination. There are two kinds: acute and chronic.

quecksilberAcute contamination or poisoning would often occur when e.g. small children played with a thermometer and ended up breaking it and swallowing the silvery liquid. Acute poisoning is usually characterized by burns, in our „thermometer“ example these would be in the mouth, esophagus and stomach.

Depending on the severity of the burns, there may be scarring with all the attendant consequences. What might these be? Well, in the case of the esophagus  – a muscular tube which transports food, extreme burns can destroy muscle tissue and scars can form! These scars make the „tube“ narrower, to the point where it may need to be removed and „replaced“ by a piece of small intestine.

„Drainage“ does not help in an acute case of mercury contamination, once the damage is done it is too late!

We now come to the next item on our list, chronic mercury contamination. Small doses of organic mercury compounds, ingested over a long period of time, lead to mercury deposits in the brain. As mercury is always deposited in certain areas of the brain, chronic mercury contamination always causes the same symptoms – shaking hands, loss of balance, problems walking (as in the final stages of Parkinson’s disease), depression and narrowing of thought processes. Dentists used to be especially prone to these effects.

As you can see, there is no such thing as slight or „possible“ mercury contamination, you either have it or you don’t, these are severe symptoms!

Now, many doctors offer various substances which supposedly aid in mercury drainage, such as e.g.

  • Chlorela
  • Spirulina
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin C
  • Phytohypophyson

But many of these substances do not even make it through the intestine, being not much more than roughage,they are simply excreted. They never make it into the brain, and not even coming into contact with the mercury, these substances can hardly be expected to bind and remove it from the body.

The Cochrane database (under „evidence-based medicine“) contains no literature on this subject.

Don’t get us wrong, but for the sake of our readers we wanted to find out how drainage works. The authors of this website only recommend methods of treatment they would be prepared to use on their own children – and amalgamate drainage would not be one of them!

If you are a doctor with an interest in this field, please write us and our biologists, statisticians and medical professionals will take a look at your findings. Should these provide adequate proof, then we would be happy to finance a trip to India and China.

There we can take part in a „field study“, since there are many people there who suffer from chronic or acute mercury poisoning caused by computer scraps.

As yet, there has been no documented case of successful treatment of mercury contamination, either in a hospital or treatment center. These institutions do not even attempt to treat mercury poisoning by „drainage“, it is only possible to treat the symptoms – and try to make those less acute.

When we say documented case, we do not mean cases of people in European countries who simply suffer from an „allergy“ caused by problems on the job, mobbing, fear of loss, isolation or lack of empathy on the part of a doctor. Of course these people feel better after treatment using kinesiology, alternative medicine and having people simply „listen“ to them. We mean real cases of mercury poisoning!

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Cavities in milk teeth

Posted by Dental News Team On October - 29 - 2009


Should cavities in milk teeth be removed?

Dentists keep finding cavities in children’s milk teeth and telling parents that it’s best to do nothing at all.

This is wrong, because

  1. Cavities are caused by bacteria which can spread to and damage other healthy teeth
  2. Cavities destroy teeth, which makes the other teeth squeeze closer together, so that the tooth sector gets smaller. But this tooth sector acts like a kind of bracket which stimulates the growth of the jaw. If this growth is slowed down and the remaining teeth end up crowded together in an adult’s mouth, this is usually caused by cavities in milk teeth
  3. Permanent teeth that are coming out can be affected
  4. Cavities often cause teeth to die out, which leads to inflammation in the bones. Abscesses and fistulas result

Cavities in milk teeth should always be removed, and if several teeth are affected, then treatment should be performed under a general anaesthetic in order to keep the child from getting traumatized.

As a parent, you should make sure that your children improve their brushing habits, as cavities in milk teeth are a sign that children are not brushing properly:

  • Children need their parents’ help in brushing their teeth twice a day until the age of ten. Only at this age does a child have the fine motor skills that enable it to brush its teeth properly on its own
  • You should give your child water to drink, not juices containing sugar
  • Make sure the toothpaste used does not taste too good, otherwise children won’t want to spit it out
  • If the child throws a tantrum – don’t worry, all children do – stay on the ball, and if necessary brush „by force“. Use the same techniques as when you teach your child not to cross the street on a red light, go ahead and brush the child’s teeth yourself! Only you know the dangers of not brushing your teeth, your child doesn’t …
  • Let your child watch you while you brush, hum songs or whatever to show your child that you’re having fun
  • Lay down rules for brushing just like you do for eating – no playing with toys while at table or at the sink!
  • Small children respond well to suggestions such as „Let’s scare off of the cavities monsters“ or „Let’s help the little tooth sprites clean your teeth“, this helps make brushing more fun
  • Get plaque tablets to check how well your children brush
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What to do when babies get milk teeth

Posted by Dental News Team On October - 28 - 2009

My baby is getting its first teeth, what should I do?

babyIf your baby is starting to get its first milk teeth and they come out yellow or black, they need dental care!
Read this short report to find out what to consider.

Just when parents get used to the new routine, the sleepless nights start up again – the first teeth appear!

Dental care begins with the first tooth!

  • Take a wet cloth and wipe the tooth which is coming out. As soon as the tooth has come out, use a soft brush with plastic bristles
  • After brushing do not give the baby anything containing sugar (not even milk)
  • Take your child along for a visit to your dentist, so it can get used to the surroundings even without getting treatment
  • Do not use more than a pea-sized gob of toothpaste once your child is able to spit (e.g. Weleda children’s tooth gel). Do not use toothpaste with flavor additives  (e.g. strawberry) – they make children swallow the toothpaste instead of spitting it out!
  • If you use fluoride tablets, you should avoid using toothpaste containing fluoride (ask your dentist or pediatrician)
  • You may need to help your children brush up until the age of 10, when the fine motor skills of the child are fully developed!
  • Black teeth ususally means cavities – a dental check-up is needed – cavities should ALWAYS be removed, even from milk teeth!
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What causes toothache?

Posted by Dental News Team On October - 27 - 2009

Toothache – what is there to say about it?

A pain that most people are familiar with, but what exactly causes it? And what can you do about toothache?

zahnschmerzen-797x1024Starting with the tooth itself, if the neck of the tooth is exposed, this can cause toothache. The enamel does not always go over seamlessly into the root: sometimes some of the dentine is exposed. This area is usually found in the sulcus, below the visible gums.

How can the neck of the tooth be exposed? – this can be explained as follows:

You do not practice proper dental hygiene for some time, plaque forms, and leads to inflammation of the gums, the gums swell and start to bleed. Bone matter begins to recede, you start  taking better care of your teeth again, and the inflammation goes down. The inflammation of the gums also goes down, as does the swelling in the gums. But the inflammation has caused the gums to recede slightly, so the neck of the tooth is now exposed.

Using toothpaste containing fluoride helps to protect the dentine for the most part – but one day you drink too much fruit juice, the juice irritates the dentine, your teeth become sensitive to heat and cold. The pain does not stop until enough saliva accumulates in your mouth. One of many things which can lead to sensitive teeth.

After brushing your teeth, you can apply Elmex tooth gel and refrain from rinsing, if that doesn’t help then you can get the necks of your teeth sealed by a dentist!

Cavities reach the nerve of the tooth, the tooth nerve slowly starts to die, you feel a dull ache, if bacteria are very aggressive and the cavity especially large then the nerve does not die slowly but quickly; you get a pulsating and intense pain which stops after a few days.

Go to a dentist for root treatment!

fistel-1023x861You do not bother getting any treatment, the pain goes away and you forget about the problem. But is does not quite go away completely, the inflammation spreads to the bone, the tooth suddenly becomes sensitive to pressure and it hurts when you bite down. It may take days, weeks, months or even years for bone to become inflammed. Even faulty root treatment can cause bone to become infected.


Root treatment or root tip resection by a dentist!

At some point you may notice a small bump on your gums, which bursts and releases pus. The pressure and the chewing problems decrease, the inflammation continues and bone continues to recede, but pus is able to escape through a fistule in the mouth  and the pain goes away.
Root tip resection by a dentist!

parodontitis1One other reason for a toothache is the pain caused by parodontitis. Sometimes the gums hurt, and sometimes the teeth – if the neck of the tooth is exposed, this can cause pain. This can be a dully pulsating or a hot and cold pain.
Parodontitis treatment by a dentist, oral irrigator!

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