Periodontitis versus parodontosis

There are still dental professionals who use the old and wrong name for a periodontal disease – parodontosis. The correct name is periodontitis. – In former times bacteria couldn´t be proven because of wrong techniques-this was called parodontosis. In the last 25 years it is known that inflammation of the periodontum is caused by bacteria, […]

Gums as a reflection of our overall health!?

Gums as a reflection of our overall health? YES AND NO! Over and over again we read scientific and non scientific journals about vitamin deficiency and the consequences from it. As a result many people choose to take homeopathic medicine –a mistake most of the time! – 99% of gum diseases are attributed to plaque […]

Most common reasons for periodontitis

  – – – – – – – Most common reasons for periodontitis The most common reasons of pariodontitis are: Plaque accumulation due to poor oral hygiene, overhang restorations, ill fitting crowns Malocclusion Stress      Smoking Systemic disease such as diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes Fortunately all these factors are easily controlled by; Optimizing tooth brushing, by […]

Oral Rinses – are they useful in the menagement if Periodontitis?

 Is an oral rinse beneficial for patients with periodontitis? YES! An oral rinse is a useful purchase, unfortunately some doctors think it is not useful-with the argument that bacteria leaks into the periodontal pockets. That is incorrect for two main reasons; The bacteria moves only due to extensions Bacteria are harmless on their own. They are destructive only in mature plaque, causing a cavity or a […]

Periodontitis and saliva test-is it useful?

Periodontitis-saliva test? Yes and no! Our last discussion was about lasers, today we want to inform you about the saliva test. It is a common practice for some dental professionals to require that the patients with periodontal disease to undergo expensive saliva test prior to their therapy.    Congratulations! Now the patient knows that there […]

Crown material, crown costs, crown pain

Posted by Dental News Team am 20, Sep - 2010

Crown materials, crown costs, crown pain-a common topic!Does the material play a role in pricing?
Are there differences in materials regarding longevity?

 Do crowns cause allergies?

Cost of a dental crown

The price area of the material is minor, as well as the consumption; only few grams are needed per crown. Consequently, differences between prices up to 100 € are not explicable. Everybody who is asking more money is trying to take advantage of you! Differences between prices play a role when it comes to aesthetic. It makes a difference if the technician is making 10 crowns or just one crown per hour!

Crown materials
A crown´s lifetime doesn´t depend on the material, but the fringe-tightness and thus the precise work of the dentist. Every material used in the dental industry has a shelf period, which is much longer than a human life. More on this in the video tangent cut, step cut and crown. Each material used in Europe is inspected precisely, otherwise they must not be manufactured.

Crown pain

The crown is isolated from the tooth stump by a thin cement shift. Usually the ceramic is oral. Only immunocompetent cells cause allergic reactions! Neither in the tooth stump nor in the cementfissure are immunocompetent cells, so no allergic reaction is possible! Bleeding gums, a cauterisation in the mouth, or recession of the gums are not an indication of an allergy, but usually an indication of leaking crown edges, or consequent periodontitis.

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