Archive for the ‘implantology’ Category

Root canal treatment or an implant?

Posted by Dental News Team On June - 30 - 2010

Which therapy is appropriate for me-root canal treatment or an implant?

There are endless horror stories about “dead” teeth, meaning root canal treatment was performed. But: There are no such things as “dead” teeth. The tooth is a mineral and thus “lifeless”.
The tooth has a connective tissue- pulp. If the pulp gets infected, e.g. caused by cavity, a root canal treatment should be performed. If a bad root canal treatment is performed- without a coffer dam, visual augment and sterile endo box- the root treated tooth is like poison for the body!

A well  treated root canal on a tooth can last a whole life!
The sealing of the tooth by the crown is also important-e.g. with a ceramic inlay or a crown. If the canals are well cleaned and filled as well as the ingresses are sealed by inlay or crown, the success rate of the whole procedure is pretty good. !

Usually this treatment is very expensive, which lead us to the headline. It can cost 700€-1500€-prognosis and thus durability should bear in relation to the effort.

If there are more problems (bone loss, heavy convoluted canals, focus on the root tip, big fillings) a tooth needs to be extracted. In this scenario an implant might be the solution. Remember:
-Heavy s

If you are a heavy smoker or you don´t like mouth hygiene that much, then a tooth implant is probably not the best choice, you try to save the tooth intensively.

The anamnesis is important in the decision making what is the best treatment-implant or root canal treatment; it varies from case to case.

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Gum boil, abscess, gingival recession?

Posted by Dental News Team On April - 21 - 2010

There is a blister on my gum-is it a gum boil, an abscess or the consequences of gingival recession?

All of these three symptoms can be chracteristics of chronical gingivitis!

An abscess appears acutely-especially in summer, when it´s getting warmer. The reasons are gum diseases, dead teeth and bad root treated teeth.
A gum boil mostly appears chronically. Most of the time patients have had abscesses before and the inflammations turn into gum boils.

Gingival recession is a late symptom and appears if a parodontitis/abscess has not been treated or wrong treated.

If you have/had one of those three symptoms over and over again, please see a doctor immediately!

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Gingivitis: reasons, therapy opportunities!

Posted by Dental News Team On April - 20 - 2010

What is Gingivitis?

Inflammation of the gums characterized by change in color-redness; form-swelling; and the presence of bleeding or exudates (puss)

Most common reasons:

  1. Plaque – most common form
  2. Faulty Restorations/crowns – edge modified
  3. Hormonal influenced gingivitis
  4. Menstrual cycle associated gingivitis
  5. Pregnancy induced gingivitis
  6. Systemic disease induced gingivitis – diabetes
  7. Gingivitis associated with blood count disorders
  8. Drug induced gingivitis – epilepsy medications
  9. HIV associated gingivitis



Dental News Team



1 and 2 are the most frequent reasons, accounting for more than 90% of the cases. It is easily resolved:

  • Plaque and calculus removal
  • Good home care – brushing 2 min, flossing
  • Removal of any factors causing plaque accumulation.

Remember: there is not damage to the gums and the supporting bone

If gingivitis is untreated, and continues to reoccur, it will eventually lead to a periodontal disease, which can cause tooth loss if untreated over many years. 


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How does a healthy gum look like?

Posted by Dental News Team On April - 19 - 2010

Is my gum healthy or isn´t it?

A healthy gum is pale pink, tight knit to the gum and shows a stippling on closer inspection-similar to an orange.

A healthy gum does not bleed, even if you are eating an apple, brush your teeth or the dentist is working in your mouth.

A slightly bleeding gum is a sure sign of an inflammation-a so called gingivitis!

Some people stop brushing their teeth, since they are afraid of the blood-as a result the gingivitis is getting worse and it starts bleeding profusely! Please do not stop brushing your teeth! You can also use oral rinse!

If you are suffering from gum bleeding, please see a dentist-it could be an indication of paradontitis-more on this in the next articles!

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Gum diseases

Posted by Dental News Team On April - 16 - 2010

Gingivitis – Parodontitis – Gum boil – Abscess; what is that?

Our topic in April is gum diseases. We were talking about root canal treatment and about different denture opportunities during the last months. Now let´s get back to the roots (root treatment) and let´s talk about gums. 

Before a denture can be made, all root treatment,- and gum problems have to be solved.

An overview:

  1. How does a healthy gum look like?
  2. Gingivitis, reasons, processes, therapy opportunities!
  3. Gum boil, abscess, gingival recession?
  4. Chronically gereralized paradontitis–chronically apical paradontitis.
  5. Parodontitis-usage of lasers–useful?
  6. Parodontitis-saliva test–useful?
  7. Parodontitis-oral rinse test–useful?
  8. Most reasons of paradontitis!
  9. Gum as a mirror of our entire health?
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