Periodontitis versus parodontosis

There are still dental professionals who use the old and wrong name for a periodontal disease – parodontosis. The correct name is periodontitis. – In former times bacteria couldn´t be proven because of wrong techniques-this was called parodontosis. In the last 25 years it is known that inflammation of the periodontum is caused by bacteria, […]

Gums as a reflection of our overall health!?

Gums as a reflection of our overall health? YES AND NO! Over and over again we read scientific and non scientific journals about vitamin deficiency and the consequences from it. As a result many people choose to take homeopathic medicine –a mistake most of the time! – 99% of gum diseases are attributed to plaque […]

Most common reasons for periodontitis

  – – – – – – – Most common reasons for periodontitis The most common reasons of pariodontitis are: Plaque accumulation due to poor oral hygiene, overhang restorations, ill fitting crowns Malocclusion Stress      Smoking Systemic disease such as diabetes, adverse pregnancy outcomes Fortunately all these factors are easily controlled by; Optimizing tooth brushing, by […]

Oral Rinses – are they useful in the menagement if Periodontitis?

 Is an oral rinse beneficial for patients with periodontitis? YES! An oral rinse is a useful purchase, unfortunately some doctors think it is not useful-with the argument that bacteria leaks into the periodontal pockets. That is incorrect for two main reasons; The bacteria moves only due to extensions Bacteria are harmless on their own. They are destructive only in mature plaque, causing a cavity or a […]

Periodontitis and saliva test-is it useful?

Periodontitis-saliva test? Yes and no! Our last discussion was about lasers, today we want to inform you about the saliva test. It is a common practice for some dental professionals to require that the patients with periodontal disease to undergo expensive saliva test prior to their therapy.    Congratulations! Now the patient knows that there […]

Are we all sick and is it possible to have healthy teeth?

Posted by Dental News Team am 27, Jul - 2010

We are not sick itself, but our lives depart from our evolutionary roots and thus healthy teeth!

In our current systems you are not able to have either healthy teeth or a healthy body!
The mammal human is a caring creature, not only designed for work and effort.
Our social-political networks always work in the same way-a few people are on easy street at the cost of plenty-charity, warmth and sustainability come last.

Few at the cost of plenty?

•    The church tells us: „God wants us to give until it hurts“!

•    The capitalists generate „pseudo needs“ with the aid of elaborate marketing strategies. We run after these needs likea donkey after carrots: a new mobile phone, a new car, a new diet…
•    The socialists/communists tell us that we are equal and should not loose the joy of work-it’s better to work together for less than lonely.
•    The „right“orientated tell us something about the honest workmate, who has deserved his 5 weeks holidays a year in Bibione to show off with 100 Euro.

Do you realize the pattern? No matter which religious orientation, no matter which political view-the “moneyed aristocracy” leads the masses

Moneyed aristocracy governs all of us?
Are we-the mass-a monkey in a cage? History repeats itself and the mass as well as the moneyed aristocracy haven’t learnt anything, (in the cloak of communism, democracy, nationalism, church…)-we are sitting on the same branch, which we steadily saw. Together we are sitting on the wrong side!-

Moaning, being rich or being poor don’t help us!

What can we do to find our centre? Long story short, we focus on the teeth! Basically it doesn’t matter if we are talking about teeth, health, sex, cars, holidays…
Knowledge is power, but therefore we have to exert our brain-don’t be afraid, it doesn’t hurt!

•  Leave the daily routine one day, take time for your needs. No worries, everything keeps running as always…even without you. Some moral is just laziness! In our case, we study the web and get informations about teeth!
• Question the statements from your dentist critically-what does a „bad teeth“ mean?

Consider your own acting-self reflection!
Even if you have enough money to buy a car which wastes 20L/100km more than a car with another Logo- is it useful?
•    Is it really possible that the groceries in our supermarkets are organic every day? Where do tons of organic salmon, organic kiwi… come from/ Wouldn’t it be more useful to buy reginal products from local farmers/ markets?
•    Why are my teeth especially bad on one side? Why do I always get fillings on the same side? I need root treatments, tooth extractions,…Once I have bad teeth, why aren’t all my teeth bad? Why doesn’t my dentist explain that to me? Why am I still going to this dentist and I loose tooth after tooth?
•    Don’t pit your existence against growth – this is unnatural. Only a tumor is growing constantly – but it is killing the host!

If we fail to find our roots again and get rid of the system, in which pharmaceutical companies earn their money with chronically sick people, we cannot be healed! If we manage to return to our roots and negate this system, we stay healthy! Let’s awake from the Matrix and let’s start to re-write our journey. We wish you a summer without tooth pain, but positive thoughts!

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